Sia Aggarwal, High School JuniorI am Sia Aggarwal, a junior at Westmont High School and I recently completed the PLTW Principles of Engineering course. As part of the curriculum, I had the opportunity to participate in the Poseidon Education’s Stormwater Quality project where I studied a drainage system on campus in a team of three others. Our team's objective was to design a new water drainage system that could reduce impurities such as microplastics from the drains. With the guidance of Patti Diaz, we collaborated, researched and calculated the cost analysis for our proposed solution. Finally, we presented our findings to the Valley Water Youth Commission.
Andrew Forgiarini, High School SeniorMy name is Andrew Forgiarini. I am a senior at San Dieguito High School Academy (SDA) in Encinitas, California. I became involved with Poseidon Education through the SWPPP program at my school. I have participated in the Tri-State Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada in August 2022 to increase awareness of Poseidon Education’s program to educate students on stormwater management work. Some notable projects and achievements I have been involved with include the storm drain stencil solution and collateral materials creation at SDA.