Bill Dean
President & CEO
Our world is facing unprecedented environmental threats. Starting with the air we breathe to the water that covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface. Our challenge as humans, is to understand these threats and then take actions to improve the environment.
Throughout the world, nations, industries, and individuals are making important advancements to address these environmental issues. However, long-term improvements will require everyone to understand the threats and participate in actions to solve them. Using a school site location and community is an ideal opportunity to educate students, teachers and the school community about environmental threats and solutions. Poseidon Education’s water focused programs accomplishes this education using site based hands-on activities. We coordinate with local water agencies and municipalities to bring real world relevance to the activities. Students who have participated in our programs have become young leaders that are actively involved in improving water quality at their school sites, their community and throughout the country. These environmental leaders are bringing us hope for our environment’s future. |